
7.Pro tennis player

I explain the professional player of soft tennis this time. However, since a professional player does not exist in soft tennis, I write about the player of a business team this time.  First of all, how to go into a business team is explained. The strong business team has mainly employed the university graduate recently. Therefore, in order to go into a strong business team, it is indispensable to go into a strong university and to play an active part in all Japan. Since a business team is also a company, a player is not necessarily employed simply so. It does not necessarily put into the business team just because he would like to go into the team. In order to go into a strong university, the remarkable track record must be raised to its high school days. A strong university is a university of the 1st league of the Kanto league and the Kansai league. If an own partner is not strong, a game called soft tennis cannot win by any means. Therefore, in order to enter in a strong university, it is required to go on to the outstanding player high school of soft tennis with a high possibility that everyone can encounter a strong partner. In addition, since a Japanese league selects the national team from the excellent players in Japan, it cannot perform belonging to the national team with an own intention.

Yosuke Asakawa

 Since explanation of how to a business team to enter finished, next, the famous player of a business team is explained. This time, I investigated about Yosuke Asakawa who is the first place in a former world soft tennis world ranking. He was from Kumamoto, and he was so strong that he always won the victory in the convention of soft tennis from school days. He went on to the Ayanori high school after graduating from a junior high school, and entered in Nippon College of Physical Education after the graduation from the high school. He was playing an active part to the extent that he won the victory in the all Japan member-of-society convention and the Emperor's Cup which are the conventions of soft tennis, even if he became a member of society. He supported the tennis industry as a leader of tennis as one child's father even after retirement. He has still told the charm of tennis at the world using the book, documentary, a blog, etc. Such tennis players support the future of soft tennis.

Reference:wikipedia, japan soft tennis association


Nelson Mandela: Breaking News

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is one person of the most typical existence as a symbol of human rights in the 20th century. By the contribution to national freedom, he had big influence on the protection-of-human-rights person in the world. Mandela born as tribal chieftain's grandchild in Transkei in South Africa and acquired the legal degree at the university. Mandela participated in the African national conference (ANC) in 1944, and in order to abolish the apartheid policy by the National Party which was in power, it worked actively. When Mandela was applied to a trial for the political activity, he declared as follows. "I fought to a white's rule and have fought also to black rule. I have held an ideal which all people harmonize and lives with the equal opportunity and which is called democratic and free society. I live for the ideal, I desire to finish it. However, if required, I do not fear dying for the ideal, either. "

Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment in this trial repeated and refused to change his political position, and it became an existence which has big influence as a symbol of the resistance in antiapartheid movement which rose quickly. During imprisonment, the "Nehru prize" of India was won in 1979, and he won the "Sakharov prize" of the European Parliament in 1988. Therefore, he came to attract attention from overseas.  In February, 1990, Mandela released at last fought with oppression still more violently, in order that he and the comrades of those might achieve the aim set up about 40 years ago. In May, 1994, Mandela is inaugurated as the first black President in South Africa, and continued taking the post till 1999. Mandela hung up reconciliation between a people and a race, and declared construction of "the country of a rainbow."  Mandela will win international respect by having overcome the subject of rule and apartheid abolition by a small number of people, and having promoted reconciliation between domestic and a state. The whole life was commemorated in 2008 on his 90th birthday, and the international celebration party which praises the further self-sacrifice to the ideal of being as equal as freedom was held. After returning the political world to private life in 1999, he suffered from a prostatic cancer in 2001, and the hospitalization life was passed from 2012. And Nelson Mandela died on December 5, 2013 in the end of a long struggle against disease.



6.The rule of soft tennis

I would like to explain the way of the game in soft tennis first this time. The game of soft tennis is held by making one pair from two persons. The victory or defeat of a game are decided by preoccupation of four points. When both sides are three points, the state is called juice and the victory or defeat after it are settled by continuation preoccupation of two points. A match is performed in seven games or nine games. It becomes a final game at the time of 3 to 3 and 4 to 4 games, and it determines victory or defeat by preoccupation 7 point. The person who took four games first becomes a winner of the game at the time of seven games. The person who took five games first becomes a winner of the game at the time of nine games.

Next, the method of a play is explained. The game of soft tennis is begun with service, carries out the return of it, and both sides strike it mutually by turns. The service side is called server and the side which receives service is called receiver. Whenever one game of a game of soft tennis finishes, the serve side and return side must exchange with the enemy player. The side of the tennis court is changed whenever it finishes an odd number game. Service of a final game is offered by turns by four persons two point respectively from the team which gave its service to the game before that. The shift of the side is carried out every four points henceforth 2 point of the beginning. When both sides are six points, it becomes juice, and victory or defeat are henceforth decided by continuation preoccupation of two points.

Next, I explain the method of service. You have to do a hit ball with a racket, before the tossed ball falls to the ground, and you have to put it into a service court. One of the server sides offers service 2 point, and then the partner carries out 2 point. It is repeated henceforth. You can give your service twice, and when the first service goes wrong, you get the second service. Service of the beginning of each game is offered from the right-hand side of the center mark toward the net of tennis, and it puts in in the other team service court on a diagonal line. After it, the server changes the position into right and left the whole point.
The situation of the serve
Reference:wikipedia, japan soft tennis association