
Nelson Mandela: Breaking News

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is one person of the most typical existence as a symbol of human rights in the 20th century. By the contribution to national freedom, he had big influence on the protection-of-human-rights person in the world. Mandela born as tribal chieftain's grandchild in Transkei in South Africa and acquired the legal degree at the university. Mandela participated in the African national conference (ANC) in 1944, and in order to abolish the apartheid policy by the National Party which was in power, it worked actively. When Mandela was applied to a trial for the political activity, he declared as follows. "I fought to a white's rule and have fought also to black rule. I have held an ideal which all people harmonize and lives with the equal opportunity and which is called democratic and free society. I live for the ideal, I desire to finish it. However, if required, I do not fear dying for the ideal, either. "

Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment in this trial repeated and refused to change his political position, and it became an existence which has big influence as a symbol of the resistance in antiapartheid movement which rose quickly. During imprisonment, the "Nehru prize" of India was won in 1979, and he won the "Sakharov prize" of the European Parliament in 1988. Therefore, he came to attract attention from overseas.  In February, 1990, Mandela released at last fought with oppression still more violently, in order that he and the comrades of those might achieve the aim set up about 40 years ago. In May, 1994, Mandela is inaugurated as the first black President in South Africa, and continued taking the post till 1999. Mandela hung up reconciliation between a people and a race, and declared construction of "the country of a rainbow."  Mandela will win international respect by having overcome the subject of rule and apartheid abolition by a small number of people, and having promoted reconciliation between domestic and a state. The whole life was commemorated in 2008 on his 90th birthday, and the international celebration party which praises the further self-sacrifice to the ideal of being as equal as freedom was held. After returning the political world to private life in 1999, he suffered from a prostatic cancer in 2001, and the hospitalization life was passed from 2012. And Nelson Mandela died on December 5, 2013 in the end of a long struggle against disease.


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