
3.About the difference between Soft tennis and Tennis

This time, I think that I will write about the difference between tennis and soft tennis. It is first of all about the difference in service. Since operation of service is emphasized, service of a soft tennis player is characteristic. By contrast, the player of tennis has very smooth operation of service.

There is a difference also in how to grasp the grip. As for soft tennis, it is common to grasp between Eastern grips from a western grip. As for tennis, grasping in Eastern continental Buck's Eastern is common.

Next, I would like to explain a stroke. In soft tennis, the general player did the big backswing and has struck the ball to Flat. There are few people who have applied the strong spin. In tennis, there are various strokes, such as a flat, a natural spin, topspin. The backswing also has various styles, such as those who pull straight, and a form of 8. Every backswing is compact if beginners are removed.
Next, I explain the difference about the instrument of tennis. First, it is intensity and weight that it is different with the racket of tennis. The size of a racket is also somewhat large at the relation of a ball. A soft rubber ball is used in soft tennis. Since a soft ball does not fly in the distance easily, the racket is designed rather than the hard racket to fly more. Of course, the gut is also made so that a rubber ball may fly more compared with tennis. Even if you do soft tennis with the racket for hard balls, although a ball flies, it cannot fly easily clearly. In tennis, we express with a "pound" the power which a gut stretches. The gut is firmly stretched, so that the number of the pound of the gut of a racket is high. The strength of the tension of a gut is 20 to 35 pounds in soft tennis, and is usually 45 to 70 pounds in tennis. Thus, there is a big difference in the tension condition tennis and soft tennis of a gut.  Incidentally, if you hit a hard ball with the racket of soft tennis, a racket will break. Since the racket of soft tennis is soft compared with a hard racket, if it hits a hard ball, it will break.

 A junior high school is more prosperous in soft tennis than a high school. Since the expense for playing tennis is cheap, a junior high school is prosperous in soft tennis.

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